Monday 1 August 2016

Meanwhile, in the world of gaffe prone megalomaniacs with bad hair...

Walking punchline Donald "Omnishambles" Trump, currently appears to be winning the battle of offensive, bizarrely popular, bumbling politicians with extremely questionable haircuts. Mercifully not in terms of political achievements, but in regards to what percentage of the current global population he has managed to offend.

Boris Johnson has been strangely quiet since his inexplicable appointment as Foreign Secretary - a situation which a large majority of the world genuinely thinks is an unfunny practical joke, and who are wondering when Theresa May will break the news to him. Perhaps this is because he's still stunned into silent disbelief by his own appointment as Britain's envoy to the world, considering he's spent a significant majority of his political career trying to piss it off.

Meanwhile, the man whose name is appropriately a synonym for a noxious bodily gas, has been busy offending anyone who'll listen on the other side of the pond. Trump is a man who does not so much ruffle feathers, as pluck them off one by one and use them to tar and feather whichever particular minority he's decided to persecute that morning.

One can only hope that his latest diatribe, against a Muslim couple who lost their son when we was serving in the U.S. Military, will unite those on both sides of the political spectrum against a man who sees a woman standing silently and supportivly by her husband whilst he is speaking eloquently about their dead son, and seizes the opportunity to criticise her for not speaking enough.

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